
Using Behavioral Science Principles in Marketing with Nancy Harhut

XX min
Nov 14, 2024
Using Behavioral Science Principles in Marketing with Nancy Harhut
In episode #118 of Over A Pint, we talked with Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of HBT Marketing about her new book and how marketers can use behavioral science to make a big impact in their work.


About Nancy Harhut

Nancy Harhut is a marketer and author whose book, "Using Behavioral Science in Marketing: Drive Customer Action and Loyalty by Prompting Instinctive Responses", is a complete and thorough guide to key behavioral principles marketers can use to influence and motivate customers to action. 


What We Cover

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll hear about in this episode:

  • How different behavioral principles, like autonomy bias, can light up your sales

  • How Nancy used the principles in her book to become a better storyteller

How the book helped her build business for her agency


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