
This Insight From Julie Pekarek Blew Me Away!

XX min
Aug 29, 2022

Julie Pekarek is the Director of Strategy and Product Management for Merative. She is also a badass.

She has a crazy impressive background that includes tours of duty at:

  • Baxter Healthcare
  • GE Medical
  • Merge Healthcare
  • IBM Watson

And with degrees from Northwestern University and the University of Chicago.

The company she currently works at Merative focuses on the data and software needed in the healthcare space. Our discussion with Julie was awesome. And the big takeaway for me was this:

"An idea is something people can get behind. A product is something people will buy.”

Whoa! How often have we gotten swept up with an idea…that can’t make a buck? Is this new info? Hells no. But does it need to be repeated? Hells yes! Until you can prove your idea can make money…the idea doesn’t count for much. Sorry… And yet how many of us have fallen into that quicksand trap? Show of hands. I know I have.

Loaded With So Much More

But that’s not the only point we cover. We also hit on the difference between her role as Director of Strategy vs. Product Management. That was fascinating. There’s a great segment on how to understand your customers. Not enough marketers spend enough time in our customer’s shoes. And also how to keep your team focused on the right goals. Take a listen to the full podcast. And please leave a comment!

To connect with Julie reach out here.

If you would like us to promote your beer…drop me a line at: pmcgovern@ascedia.com