
Mastering PR with Gini Dietrich

XX min
Sep 26, 2024

In episode #133 of Over A Pint, we talked with Gini Dietrich, founder of the popular blog Spin Sucks, about all things public relations and content creation.

About Gina Dietrich 

Gini Dietrich is a PR ninja! She is a best-selling author, publishes a wildly popular blog called Spin Sucks, runs her own successful PR agency, and is the creator behind the PESO™ model of communication – the blueprint for effective communication in today’s day and age. If you’re looking at amping up your comms game…this is your episode.

What We Cover 

  • The state of PR in 2024
  • The PESO™ model
  • Gini’s experience running her own agency and how she creates so much great content

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